

  • New: Upgrade to FontAwesome v6
  • New: Support for X icon
  • New: Support for Threads icon
  • New: Support for Mastodon icon
  • New: Support for Flipboard icon
  • New: Updated colors for Facebook, Facebook messenger and WhatsApp
  • New: Updated icon for Facebook messenger
  • Fix: Upgraded text labels in admin UI for Twitter widget.
  • Fix: Deprecated FontAwesome v4.
  • Fix: Restrict admin ajax calls with nonce.


  • New: Pinterest widget for profile, board and pins.


  • New: Option to simplify floating sharebar in small screen.
  • Fix: Icons are now centered correctly.
  • Fix: Share menu link color is overridden sometimes.
  • Fix: Share link popup window size is increased.
  • Fix: Styling issues with ribbon and drop icon shapes.


  • Fix: Floating sharebar was not honoring position.


  • Fix: UTF-8 characters can now be set as icon text in all features.
  • Fix: Icon configurations are now stored directly as JSON without base64 encoding.
  • Fix: Most user inputs are now sanitized and escaped.
  • Fix: Minor admin UI enhancements.


  • New: Comments button for the share icon.
  • New: Comments count is displayed for the comments icon.
  • Fix: WeChat share URL is updated.
  • Fix: Increased share menu popup level.
  • Fix: Minor admin UI fixes.
  • Fix in PRO: and Google Analytics settings can be imported and exported.


  • New: Share menu and short link popup HTML will be inserted in the page only when they are needed.
  • Fix: JS syntax error in Safari browser.
  • Fix: Share menu column issue in some themes.


  • PRO: Create and use custom icons.
  • PRO: Customize the share URL, title, tweet text and more for every post.
  • PRO: Tracking clicks with Google Analytics.
  • PRO: Shorten share links using
  • PRO: No branding.
  • New: Share menu popup which lists all the share icons to share.
  • New: SMS share icon.
  • New: Post level settings to disable a feature.
  • New: Support for WordPress 5.8 widgets.
  • Fix: Rewrite HTML generator to support extensibility.

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