
With PRO version we can use shortcode to display RSS feed items anywhere in the website. Currently as of version v4.0 the shortcode can be built manually by following the reference below.


[print_sc sc='{srr_feed parameter1="val" parameter2="val"}']


Below shortcode will generate RSS feed list for two feed URLs (MakeUseOf and NASA) in two different tabs with the titles “MakeUseOf” and “NASA” respectively with the color style “dark”, author and date displayed.

[print_sc sc='{srr_feed urls="," tab_titles="MakeUseOf, NASA" color_style="dark" show_author=1 show_date=1}']

Parameter reference

The shortcode parameters supported can be also referred in Settings -> Super RSS Reader - Pro page.

Parameter Description Default value Supported values
urls The URLs to display RSS feed for. Multiple RSS feed URLs can be separated by a new line or comma.
tab_titles The title of the tab for the respective RSS feed.
count The total number of feed items to fetch. 5
show_title Display the title of the feed item. 1 0 – Hide title, 1 – Show title
show_date Display the date of the feed item. 0 0 – Hide date, 1 – Show date
show_desc Display the description/excerpt of the feed item. 1 0 – Hide description, 1 – Show description
show_author Display the author of the feed item. 0 0 – Hide author, 1 – Show author
show_thumb Display the thumbnail of the feed item. 1 0 – Hide thumbnail, 1 – Show thumbnail
merge_feeds Merge multiple feeds into one 0 0 – Do not merge feeds, 1 – Merge feeds
show_source Show item source name hidden hidden – Hidden, above_title – Above title, next_date – Next to date, below_desc – Below description
template The template of the feed item. %%title%% %%metadata%% %%thumbnail%% %%description%%
strip_desc Trim the description to certain number of words. 30
strip_title Trim the title text to certain number of words. 0
offset The number of RSS feed items to skip from the top. 0
date_format The format of the feed item date. j F Y
date_timezone The timezone of the feed item date. UTC
order_by The order of the feed default default – Default, date – Date, date_reverse – Date reverse, random – Random
read_more The read more text if the description is trimmed. […]
rich_desc Display rich description with all the formatting. Note: With rich description text cannot be trimmed. 0 0 – Normal description, 1 – Rich description
desc_type Type of description to prefer summary summary – Summary, full_content – Full content
link_desc Link description text with the feed item URL 0 0 – No link, 1 – Link description
add_nofollow Add “nofollow” attribute to feed links. 1 0 – Do not add nofollow attribute, 1 – Add nofollow attribute
open_newtab Open the feed links in new tab. 1 0 – Open in same tab, 1 – Open in new tab
thumbnail_position The position of the thumbnail. align_left align_left – Align left, align_right – Align right, cover – Cover
thumbnail_size The size of the thumbnail including the units. Example: 64px, 10% 64px
thumbnail_force Pick the thumbnail from page (feed URL) directly no no – No, when_absent – When absent in feed item, always – Always
thumbnail_default The URL of the default thumbnail image if not present. Leave empty to not display any thumbnail.
no_feed_text Text to display when there are no feed items No items
filter_type Type of keyword filtering for the RSS feed items no_filter no_filter – No filtering, show – Show items based on filter, hide – Hide items based on filter
filter_name The name of the filter created
color_style The style of the feed display. none none – No style, grey – Grey, dark – Dark, orange – Oranges, modern – Modern 1, modern2 – Modern 2, twitter – Twitter, twitter_dark – Twitter (dark), card – Card, card_dark – Card (dark)
display_type The type of feed display mode. vertical_ticker normal – Normal, vertical_ticker – Ticker, grid – Grid, paginated – Paginated
visible_items The number of feed items to be visible when ticker is enabled. 5
ticker_speed The speed of the ticker animation in seconds. Without units. 4
page_size The number of items in a page. 5
page_bar The elements of the page bar all all – Both number and navigation, page_num_only – Page numbers only, navigation_only – Navigation only
grid_columns The number of columns in the grid between 2 to 4. 2

Using the shortcode in theme templates

The shortcode can be used in PHP theme templates like below.

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[print_sc sc='{srr_feed parameter1="val" parameter2="val"}']' ); ?>