

  • PRO: Custom editor option not saving sometimes.
  • Fix: Admin ajax vulnerability with nonce.
  • Fix: Verify permissions while closing Shortcoder changelog.


  • PRO: Custom editor preview works only for editor authors.
  • New: Set default value for the custom field parameters.
  • New: Custom parameter default value is shown in the insert shortcode popup.
  • Fix: Restrict access to admin-ajax calls.
  • Fix: Some admin texts were missing translation.
  • Fix: Removed the note in the insert popup for fully closed shortcode.
  • Fix: Debug comment line now has the name of the shortcode.


  • PRO: Dutch translation is now available for the PRO version.
  • PRO: WP Bakery CSS styles were not inserted along with the shortcode content.
  • PRO: Open custom editor from the shortcode list page via action links.
  • New: Option to show shortcode content in “All shortcodes” page.
  • Fix: Some texts were not translated.
  • Fix: Error in WP Bakery page builder while picking images.


  • New: Custom editors management page added to Shortcoder menu.
  • Fix: HTML is escaped in the editor sometimes.
  • Fix: Support for WordPress 6.1


  • PRO: Edit Shortcode content using block editor and page builder plugins like Elementor, WPBakery.
  • PRO: Revisions support for Shortcode content.
  • PRO: Include extra code to the footer when a Shortcode is used in a page.
  • PRO: Locate the usage of shortcode in posts and pages.
  • New: Prevent same shortcode nested loop.
  • New: New actions and filters introduced.
  • Fix: Post excerpt shortcode parameter now prints full post excerpt.
  • Fix: Enhancements to input and output data sanitization.